AceMoneyis an applicationdesigned to makeit easiertrackingofincome andproductionusing a spreadsheet.Thissoftwareis verysimple topick up andstart using, thanks to thecleariconsandnavigation bar.The program includesfacilitiesto view allyour moneyat oncethrough theaccountoverviewfeature, where you cancheck theaccount, investment anddeferredchargesfromone place.
Bankingfeatureofthisprogramis verysimple to understandwhichmakes it possible toviewyouraccount, anonlinefacilitygives you direct access, allowingyouto transfer,directdeposit andconsultedthrough the details ofAceMoney. This soundsgreat in theory, butin realitythere are only afewbanksregistered inthe systemand there are nocredit unions.In addition tobankingfacilities, there isa portfoliomanagerthat allows you tokeepa checkonyour investmentsandninedifferent reportingtoolsto help you bettermap outyour financialprogress.
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