phpDesigner 8.1.0 Multilingual Aug 7th 2012, 20:30 | phpDesigner 8.1.0 Multilingual | 23.8MB | phpDesigner is a software that is built to help you to edit, debug, analyze and publish PHP scripts. phpDesigner is one of the most popular award-winning IDE for editing, debugging, analyzing and publishing applications and websites powered by PHP and other web languages. phpDesigner has many features that can help you increase productivity such as the access type functions, variables, tags and properties. Intelligent Code Highlighter, automatic switches between code highlighters dependent on your position in the document. Syntax highlighters - Intelligent syntax highlighting, switch automatic between PHP, HTML, CSS and javascript
- PHP (both version 4 and 5 are full supported)
- CSS (both version 1 and 2.1 are full supported)
- javascript
- VBScript
- Java
- C#
- Perl
- Phyton
- Ruby
- Smarty
PHP - Support for PHP 4 and PHP 5+
- Code explorer for PHP (support for includes, classes, extended classes, interfaces, properties, functions, constants and variables)
- Code completion (code insight) for PHP with OOP support
- Code tip for PHP (helps you completing your functions as you type)
- Code completion for phpDocumentor
- Support for PHP object oriented programming (OOP) including nested objects
- Work with any of your favorites PHP frameworks
- Add automatic phpDocumentor documentation to your classes and functions
- Smart comment/uncomment of code
- Automatic close single- or double quotes, brackets etc
- Enclose strings with single- or double quotes, linefeed, carriage return or tabs
- phpDocumentor wizard
- Fast, powerful and easily configurable
Debug PHP - Debug PHP scripts with Xdebug
- Step by step debugging
- Breakpoints
- Step into
- Step over
- Run to cursor
- Run until return
- Watches
- Context variables
- Call stack
- Profiling
- Evaluate
- Multiple sessions
- Evaluation Tip
- Catch errors
- Support for localhost preview
- Preview with Internet explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari
- Support for debugging from external browsers and stepping into the code in phpDesigner 7
- Run PHP scripts using the PHP interpreter from
- Catch output (both formatted and as text) and errors and warnings
Syntax check - Real time syntax check for PHP, HTML/XHTML and CSS
- Real time syntax check for PHP using the PHP interpreter from
HTML - Code completion (code insight) for HTML/XHTML with embedded CSS and javascript code completion (code insight)
- Tag code inspector for HTML/XHTML
- Find and select matching tags
- Show HTML/XHTML syntax errors in real-time
- Support for HTML tidy (w3 standard, upgrade to css, upgrade to xhtml and upgrade to xml)
- The code completion will automatic suggest the missing close tag
- Remove tags
- Import tag from other documents
- Special character dialog and converter
- Format tools and tags
- Link-, image-, table-, list-, forms-, meta-, flash-, font-, color dialogs
- Selection between a variation of doctypes
CSS - Code Explorer for CSS
- Show CSS syntax errors in real-time
- CSS code completion (code insight)
- Selector wizards (simple, class, id, contextual, child, sibling and pseudo)
- Go to any CSS class or id located in either your document, project or opened files
javascript - Code Explorer for javascript
- Code completion (code insight) for javascript with OOP support
- Code tip for javascript (helps you completing your functions as you type)
- Support for the javascript framework jQuery
- Support for the javascript framework YUI
- Support for the javascript framework Prototype
- Support for the javascript framework MooTools
- Support for the javascript framework Dojo
- Support for the javascript framework Ext JS
- Go to any javascript function or variables declared in either your document, project or opened files
Whats New: - Support for CSS3 colors HSL, HSLA and RGBA *New
- Spanish Language update *New
- Catalan Language update *New
- Japanese Language update *New
- Simplified Chinese Language update *New
- Traditional Chinese Language update *New
- Hungarian Language update *New
- Romanian Language update *New
- Git output dialog *New
- Git Add file *Fixed
- Git Commit file *Fixed
- Git Commit folder *Fixed
- Git Status *Fixed
- Git List committed files *Fixed
- Git Diff *Fixed
- Git Log *Fixed
- Git Log file *Fixed
- Run custom Git file command *Fixed
- Run custom Git command *Fixed
- Text marker with spaces *Fixed
- Text marker with tabs *Fixed
more details visit: | |
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